Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Attempt #1

Hazel recently got a very serious case of the twos. Doesn't she realize she's a few months early? "Self Mommy" Is her favorite new expression followed by some lovely tantrums if you in fact don't let her do it by her self, whatever that might actually be. Some new favorite actions include, getting into her carseat and buckling, getting into her crib, getting pants and diaper off to use the potty and my favorite getting dressed. Pictured above, first successful attempt, made today. Well almost successful. Look at that proud smile on her face.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Making Easter Candy

Or in Hazel's case, eating Easter candy.

Look at her on the end longing for more confections to devour.

In case you haven't gathered by the photos already, we got together to make Easter candy today. It was a fun, possibly, new tradition. The girls had a blast and we made tons, I mean tons of peanut butter eggs, coconut eggs and buttercream eggs. Yum, Yum, Yum!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Bryan and I got back a few days ago from a very nice trip to Vancouver/Seattle sans kids. Thanks to some awesome grandparents for making that last part possible :) I have to say, being a parent, if you get a chance to get away from your kids for a little, take it. That might sound bad but seriously, I don't think anything could be better. Having the girls all day long every day, I get a little burnt out. It's nice to get a little break. Of course, I missed them. I feel these last few days home since the trip I've been a better mom than I have been for the last few months. I'm more focused on playing with them and more attentive to Clara's constant conversation. Something I've always had a hard time with since I'm not much of a talker. She really doesn't stop talking and insists that you carry on with her. So all in all it was good. Now I've got my girls back and am really so very happy and lucky to have them.

So what happened while we were away . . . well I don't know much but Hazel is using a few new sayings. "Help me mommy." or "Help me Clara." Also tonight I noticed instead of just saying "Done" after dinner she said "Done, wipe me mommy." All in all her sentences are getting longer. She's also getting better at some sounds like "th" and "s" at least she's trying them now.

She's also getting her two bottom molars that will complete her first set. Still missing one of her bottom front teeth. Who knows why that one doesn't want to come in.

And our Clara has proclaimed that pink is no longer her favorite color. In case your wondering it's now black. We'll see how long that lasts.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bedtime Stories

Clara just told me two bedtime stories.

Once there was a little girl named Clara. And her mommy said they couldn't go to the zoo at night because the alligators and the elephants were sleeping. So they went to Griffin's house and played with Maya. Then they went home and that is the end.

Once upon a time there was a little tiny baby giraffe named Grif. His mommy had a really long neck. He had short strong hair. His daddy had a short neck like him. Grif didn't like the zoo so they went home and had dinner. Then it was time for bed. The end.

I was told I would hear the story about strawberries tomorrow.