Friday, March 4, 2011

Paintings and Drawings

Putting a few more pieces of artwork up. I love this first one Hazel did. It's a really simple watercolor painting of a Hazel person. Followed by another that I think is the sun and a guy.

A few weekends ago, Clara was being quiet in the morning and when I came down to check on her she said, "Look Mommy, I made a camel!" This is one of her collage pieces, she is so into them lately. It had a bit of ribbon on it too that looked like a continuation of the reins she drew, but it fell off at some point.

This one she did last Friday at Grandmom's for me. She said it's her with really long hair like Rapunzel. Rapunzel has come up a lot around here lately.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Clara informed me this morning, as I was getting dressed, that she has big plans for this weekend, big plans. What they are exactly remains to be heard.

She also decided that she was making an exception to her no pants policy. She came out of her room dressed in her only pair of jeans, which were rolled up at the cuffs, a butterfly belt, a brown peasant top with flowers around the middle, pink Tiana socks and of course the tiara. I tried rolling her jeans down and she yelled at me. "NO MOMMY, I want them that way!" The outfit was then completed with her pink rain boots.


Another convention season has begun. Bryan left this morning for Seattle and Emerald City Comic Con. Oh, how I wish I was joining him. However, if it comes down to Seattle or Portugal, I'll take Portugal this time.

Time for the girls and I to find some stuff to keep us busy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nice day

The girls and I spent a few hours of this nice, windy day out enjoying
the fresh air. First we took the mutt for a walk. A good idea in
theory but realistically not so much. Two walking preschoolers and a
dog that insists on stopping at every tree to pee, plus in everyones
yards even when I'm putting him in heel not so fantastic. Plus, Hazel
whining the whole time and pulling on my arm because she wanted to go
in the stroller. Well, you get the idea.

We did have a nice time in the yard afterwards riding bikes, washing
sea shells, playing in the sand box and throwing toys for Eli. Clara
is getting so fast on her bike, almost too fast. Hazel is finally
starting to get the hang of peddling hers which is awesome. Now we
need to work on her steering. Here are a few pics. Clara sporting her
new, cute raincoat. Yes, I know it's not raining :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Clara wrote her alphabet. She needed help remembering how to write J
and K and the first Z was backwards but not too bad. She got no help
from us as to what came next.