Tuesday, May 4, 2010


After weeks of planning to go to the zoo only to be foiled by the weather or worse, we finally made it there today. Two weeks ago we were literally walking in the backyard to the car to leave and Clara got sick and we had to cancel. I was so bummed and she was so bummed, Hazel was like, what's the zoo?, I'm going to go play in the sand box now. So, since then Clara has been asking me just about everyday if we were going to the zoo yet. Monday I decided the weather looked good on Tuesday so we were going. Tuesday morning I get a text from Aliza saying it's a beautiful day for the zoo. Great minds think alike :) For not making any real plans it worked out perfectly, we met Aliza, Griffin and Maya for a lovely day of animal gazing. The only disappointment was Clara really wanted to see the baby orangutan and unfortunately her and her mother were taking a break from the public. I think the cool lego displays, ice cream and a free puzzle made up for the lack of baby Batu. But hopefully, we'll get to see her next time.

Since we have a membership now, if anyone wants to take a trip to Philly we'll be happy to go to.

Thanks Aliza, Griffin and Maya for joining us!

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun - I'm glad the timing worked out and we got to meet up!
