Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hazel . . .

is in love with this blanket. She can't sleep without it and insists on carrying it around the house. Sometimes it even makes it out of the house, though I usually make her leave it in the car for fear that we might loose it. It has marker on it and the tag is so gross from her chewing on it all the time. It's over due for a washing but I can't seem to get her to part with it long enough for a cleaning.

The girl just loves "lanket.

In other Hazel news, on the first of February she peed in the POTTY! Seriously, already! She's been so fascinated with the potty for months. She is always wanting to sit on it. I noticed that after bath time she usually has to pee so I sat her down and she went. She has since been going whenever she sits on it. I can't say that she's ready for full potty training yet but she seems to have some control so we'll just roll with it and see.

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